Online Word Scramble: Muslim Majority Countries

Alhamdulillah, an additional format to our quizzes is the word scramble game. Our topic for now is Muslim-majority countries. It has 20 items and a timer of 10 minutes only.

Note: As you're reading this, the game has already started, (see below, and I can't fix it, Subhanallah), but you can refresh the page to restart. And please read the instruction first. Thanks.

How to play Word Scramble?
- Click and drag on the letters and then drop them into the position you think they should be in to unscramble the word.

Powerpoint Quiz on Islamic Various Subjects

Alhamdulillah, and here's the latest additional to our free Islamic quizzes. This quiz has six various subjects on Islam namely: Qur-an, Hadith, Tawhid, Fiqh, Sirah, and Tarikh. The photo below will give you more idea about the quiz. 

Flash Fiqh (Miyah) Quiz No.3

Our next flash Islamic quiz is about Fiqh on Anwa'ul Miyah (Classification of Liquids). The quiz is by classifying the kind of liquid given. Write tahur if the liquid given is classified as tahur (clean by itself and can clean najis and can be used for wudhu). Write tahir if it's tahir (clean by itself but can't clean najis and can't be used for wudhu). Write najis if you think it's najis (unclean/filth). The answer box is not case sensitive but be careful of the spelling given. It has 20 items of 10 points each. The pass percentage is 50% which means you need to get 100 points to pass. Take note that it has a time limit of only 20 minutes. 

Flash Fiqh (Ibadah) Quiz No.2

Our next quiz on flash format is about Fiqhul Ibadah (tayammum, wudhu, salah, and sawm). The quiz process is by arranging the items in order with 5 questions of 10 points each. The passing score is 25 with a time limit of only 20 minutes.

Flash Sahabah Quiz No.1

Alhamdulillah, here comes the another format of our quiz, and it's in a flash file. Our first quiz on flash format is about the Sahabah (radiyallahu anhum). It's a matching type quiz with 10 items of 10 points each. The passing score is 50 with a time limit of only 10 minutes. And, another good news is, you can take this quiz as much as you want until you got it perfect. You can also comeback anytime insha Allah and review.

Online Fiqh (Taharah) Quiz No.1

Kindly, read the instructions carefully before proceeding.

1. The quiz with Tagalog translation is about Fiqhut Taharah (Purification/Cleanliness).
2. Don't forget to take this quiz for the sake of Allah.
3. The quiz has 20 items all in multiple choice and has a limit time of 20 minutes only.
4. Pass percentage is lowered to 60 % which means you need to get a score of 12 or higher.
5. Your quiz result will appear insha Allah right after you press submit and not save and continue. Please wait so you could review your answers.
6. Please no cheating in any form.
8. Scroll down after answering question no.1 to see the other questions and do not click submit. Click only submit after answering all questions. Thank you.

Help us spread this website so we could help others learn Islam and spread correct information about Islam. Shukran jazilan wa jazakumullahu khayran fid dunya wal akhirah.

Click here to see more of our Islamic online quizzes.

Powerpoint Quiz on Suratul Fatihah

Our newest feature to our quiz blog is this downloadable quizzes on Powerpoint 2007 (.ppsx) format, Alhamdulillah. And, insha Allah we will add more formats in the future like quizzes on flash, html and text as additional to our online quiz.

This is our first quiz on .ppsx file which is about Suratul Fatihah. It is multiple-choice quiz of 10 items. A very

Online Qasasul Anbiya (Stories of the Prophets) Quiz No.1

[Status: Ended]

The quiz has 10 items only and the pass percentage is 65%, which means the participant needs to get 7 correct answers or higher to pass the quiz. Since each participant have seen their results after submitting together with their time speed, there is no need for us to post it here. 65.5% percent passed the exam and 34.5% failed it. By the way, here are the questions with its correct answers for others to benefit, insha Allah.

1. Who is the prophet sent to Thamud? Salih (alayhis salam).
2. Which prophet was swallowed by a whale? Yunus (alayhis salam).

Online Ulumul Quran Quiz No.1

[Status: Ended]

The quiz has 20 questions and the pass percentage is 65%, which means the quiz taker needs to get 13 correct answers or higher to pass the quiz. Since each participant have seen their results after submitting together with their time speed, there is no need for us to post it here. 43.2% percent passed the exam and 56.8% failed it. Only 2 got the perfect score and this means that questions on this quiz are harder compared to our previous quizzes since we got lower percentage of passers.

By the way, here are the questions with its correct answers for others to benefit, insha Allah.

1. What is the greatest surah (chapter) in the Quran? Suratul Fatihah.
2. What is the greatest ayah (verse) in the Quran? Ayatul Kursi [Ayah 255 of Suratul Baqarah].

Online Aqidah (Belief) Quiz No.1

[Status: Ended]

The quiz has 20 items and the pass percentage is 65%, which means the participant needs to get 13 correct answers or higher to pass the quiz. Since each participant have seen their results after submitting together with their time speed, there is no need for us to post it here. 53.1% percent passed the exam and 46.9% failed it. By the way, here are the questions with its correct answers for others to benefit, insha Allah.

1.  What is the first thing that Allah created according to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)? Pen.
2. What are the characteristics of Allah mentioned in Suratul Ikhlas? He is only one, the eternal absolute. He begets nor was He begotten and nothing is compared to Him.

Online Sirah Nabawiyah (Biography of the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) Quiz No.1

[Status: Ended]

The quiz has 10 items and the pass percentage is 65%, which means the participant needs to get 7 correct answers or higher to pass the quiz. Since each participant have seen their results after submitting together with their time speed, there is no need for us to post it here. 67.4% percent passed the exam and 32.6% failed it. By the way, here are the questions with its correct answers for others to benefit, insha Allah.

1. Where was Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) born? Makkah
2. Where did Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) receive the first revelation? Gharu Hira at the Jabal Nur