Online Aqidah (Belief) Quiz No.1

[Status: Ended]

The quiz has 20 items and the pass percentage is 65%, which means the participant needs to get 13 correct answers or higher to pass the quiz. Since each participant have seen their results after submitting together with their time speed, there is no need for us to post it here. 53.1% percent passed the exam and 46.9% failed it. By the way, here are the questions with its correct answers for others to benefit, insha Allah.

1.  What is the first thing that Allah created according to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam)? Pen.
2. What are the characteristics of Allah mentioned in Suratul Ikhlas? He is only one, the eternal absolute. He begets nor was He begotten and nothing is compared to Him.
3. Are fortune telling and magic allowed in Islam? No. Those are shirk and haram.
4. Is Quran created by Allah? No. It is a word of Allah.
5. Where is Allah? He is in His 'Arsh above the seven heavens.
6. Is it allowed to say "Insha Allah" on your dua? No.
7. Is it allowed to pray on a mosque that is clearly built for the destruction of Islam? No.
8. Whoever believes that there are certain people exempted from shariah of Allah is a ? Kafir.
9. What is the meaning of Tawhidul Asma was Sifat? Describe Allah only in the way that He and His Prophet described Him.
10. How many gates does paradise and hell have? Paradise has 8 gates while hell has 7.
11. How many levels does the heaven and earth have? The heaven and earth both have 7 levels.
12. Did Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) see Allah on Isra' wal Mi'raj? No.
13. Will the Muslims in paradise see Allah? Yes.
14. What are the name of the angels that write our good and bad deeds? Not mentioned in Quran and Hadith.
15. Who will be the first to enter Jannah? Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
16. The best people after the Prophets ('alayhimus salam) are the? Sahabah.
17. Allah created jinn, man and angels from? The jinns are from fire, the man is from earth, and the angels are from light.
18. Muslims believe in guardian angels the same way the Christians believe. False.
19. Allah has advisers. False.
20. Muslims believe that Eisa (Jesus 'alayhis salam) will come back on earth. Yes.

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Jazakumullahu khayran fid dunya wal akhirah.

1 comment:

  1. Jazakallahu khairan. It really help a lot in strenghtening our belief (Aqidah) and increasing our knowledge. Keep it up. May Allah bless and reward all the people behind this site. I will continue to support your work through sharing to all my muslim family and friends.
