
Here are the list of our quizzes in flash format:

1. Sahabah Quiz No.1: A matching type quiz about the Sahabah radiyallahu anhum with 10 items of 10 points each for a total of 100 points. The passing score is 50 with a time limit of 10 minutes.
2. Fiqh (Ibadah) Quiz No.2: The quiz process is by arranging the items in order with 5 questions of 10 points each. The passing score is 25 with a time limit of only 20 minutes.
3. Fiqh (Miyah) Quiz No.3:  The quiz is by classifying the kind of liquid given. It has 20 items of 10 points each. The pass percentage is 50% which means you need to get 100 points to pass. Take note that it has a time limit of only 20 minutes.

Email me at  concerningislam@live.com if you want to get its executable file for your computer or if you want me to create for you a quiz for your students or friends.

More to come, insha Allah, and kindly spread the word. Jazakumullahu khayran.

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